Monday, October 25, 2010

Commission Tat Design

Original Artwork

Redrawn Artwork

This was my first tattoo commission, I was pretty nervous about it since it's such a big deal so keeping it clean and tight was a huge priority. Originally the client saw one of my earlier pictures (Top image) and asked if she could use it for her next tat, at first that was fine but I felt a little bad seeing as it was just a rough drawing I did when I was trying to keep awake in a lecture. So instead I offered to redraw it, clean it up, and add in anything that might make it a bit more meaningful to her. Some included a rat sitting on the characters shoulder, an artichoke on their throat (instead of an apple) and a peace symbol and a heart on its arms.

Clear Contact Stickers

Quick stickers, Paint marker on clear contact
fineliner and red sharpie on cardboard 29x22cm

With all the rain lately I've had a chance to catch up on some personal works. This was an image that's been floating in my head for weeks so it's great to finally get it out.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

flawed intelligence

Just printed and cut about fifty stickers and I'm keen to throw them up. I've been a bit slack lately since it's way too wet to put out anything decent but it's warming up again so i'll finally get out there with some fresh work. In the meantime though, here are some new designs.